dear batikchantings.... its +-40 minutes pass 5pm... i'm about to take a move to go back... tp nak jot2 something here... ermmm...hati manusia ni ada macam2 conditionnya... ada baik hati... ada sebaliknya... ada makan hati... ada sebaliknya... ada murah hati... ada sebaliknya... ada sedap ati dan ada jugak sebaliknya... DCT pon ada lagu tajuk HATI... apapon, pendek kata, setiap conditionnya PASTI ada suaipadannya... pasti ada acronym antonymnya... so where are you located in? ermm... sendiri tanya, sendiri la jawab... because normally we know ourselves better than everybody... its either we want to know or we are not bother to know... keep asking people about ourselves pon useless because u'll probably get a bias answer for the sake of jaga hati... but the sure thing is, HATI is just an organ in our body... and i believe a good heart + a good mind will insyAllah transmit our outer side to be a good person... tapi kan, why at the spur of the moment i'm talking about "heart"?... ntahla... tetiba rasa nak tulis something yang berbahasa bahasi... even i know my bahasa bahasi is not as good as the well-known writer/blogger out there... bantai je laaa...
what ever it is, 2012 and PAPADOM were amazingly marvelous! both are highly recommended to be watched... for the 2012, just watch and take it as an entertainment... jgn terpesong with the story content... just enjoy the high quality of CGI technique tu... and for the PAPADOM... really enjoy afdlin's masterpiece very much... such a beautiful signature...
dear batikchantingss... joomla training has just finish noon tadi... awal setengah hari from the given schedule... certain of my opismet probably have made a move to their kampung starting noon tadi lagi... balik beraya haji huhuhu... since now its tengkujuh season, so ramaila yang berkira2 lepas ke tak nak balik kampung... what ever it is, hope all of them safely arrive at their own destination insyAlh.... nak tuka topik japss... above are the korean dramas which i have watched and still watching... i might be sort of outdated la in watching those dramas... out of dated banget agaknye... tp never mind... janji layannnss...
ni plak video yg beloved hubby anto satni... huhuhu... not sure 6 of them ni sextuplet ke or its just an edited video... tp muka masing2 mmg sejebon2 sama... and they sing MJ's medley amazingly harmony... so layanss jugakss...
ok la pren... since dah nak cuti ni... and after this aidil adha break, our office is going to be audited, so mari la kita sama2 me'5S'kan opis tti ni huhuhu... nok wat mnde dulu ni ekks?? :p
Apa2 pon, mohon maaf atas sume salah silaps... selamat hari raya aidil adha...
dear batikchantingss... my body is aching here and there after coming back from the camp... and i'm pretty sure almost everybody who joined the teambuilding course will definitely feel the same way as mine huhuhu... ada yang terpeleot... ada yg luka... ada yg scratch2 maybe... ada yang hilang wane asal gelang kakinya ...uppss!!! terlebey sudaaa... but the aching is keep healing day by day insyAlh... so no matter what the condition is, such a deep thankful and Alhamdulillah to HIM for letting us finishing our 4 days 3 nites course at El-Azzhar Camp...
xmo cite banyak2 la as i think everybody probably shares same storimori more a less ... kalo lain pon sbb naik bas lain2, umah pon lain2... so i put the one and only pose of me and beloved hubby while everybody is busy handling the kisa (what is "kisa" in english ekk?)... we've been shooted by wahyu in the middle of the pengkisaan tu hehehe... thnx wahyu!
moral grabbed from the teambuilding session? hmm... pandai2la grab apa2 yang patut + any good valuess... sekian, terima kaseyss..
dear batikchantingss... not much storimori... just some piccas from hari ict and ptmk raya as well...
a - dah lupa slot mendes... b - never thought ramai jugak org pegi booth ptmk c - one of them lost her phone kejap... bila nak balik jmpa phonenya inside her freind's paper bag huhu...kecoh japss.. d - sume x saba2 nak jawb kuiz... ada yg score full mark rasanya... budak2 skrg... jauh beza with my own old times...
Selamat hari raya... walopon gmbo ni sort of out dated .... err... mcm tinggi beno songkok ached ekks compared wif otherss .. hehehe... sowi cheds... ;)