ever since last week jugak, i've been tagging with workshops.. workshop and workshops... serious penats and stress! becos of the stress and penats, my hubby brought me to watch Alice & Worderlengg.... huhuhu.. betul2 resembleance my oldies favourite cartoon... tp dulu katun budus2 2D je laa... my hubby? layan je laa dia dgn cite yg bininya nak tgk sgt nehhh..... :D ... talking about the story... ermm... i dont think i have to review this story in to depth sbb rasanya sume org tau cemana cite alice & wonderlenggg tu rite?
esoknya, we've been going to UMP Famliy day... and i think, the most popular words during that family day was... "saya menang moto" which sounds like the well-known power root advert tuss... fiza (wahyu's wife) was one of the person who keep saying that words a few times when we've chatted (sambil menghabiskan masa menunggu turn kalo2 nama dipanggil utk hadiah2 bonus tu huhuhu...)... saya menang moto... saya menang moto... tup2... mmg betul dia menang moto!! huhuhu...what a lucky day of fiza! and i myself who started to feel so exhausted, boring, headache and extreemly uncomfortable (becos of the HOTTT weather) since 10 - 11 o'clock finally felt soooo lucky for being called as one of the lucky name for LG refrigerator!!... aaa??? nama aku ke? antara x pecaya ngan pecaya je la masa dgr tu becos i really think that my name will totally not in the list... tp alhmdlh... rzki ALLAH sumenya... huhuhu.. so the question now is, what will i do with the new fridge ekk?? hmm.. :D
monday, still having bengkel for 5S... kembang semangkuk when the MPC auditor puji2 ptmk for the good 5S practices applied at ptmk skrg ni... huhuhu... but then, definitely there still a room for us to improve... this coming 1 april, there will be an audit... xtau la dapek ke tak sijil mijil niss... as far as i concern, there are certain things lg yg nak kena gudeks2... pity aza... probably she had to all out by herself as me and admie will not be around... i'll be in the office tmrw tapppi... got the bengkel to attend lagi... huhuhu.... (musim kutip hari utk bengkels to fulfill the skt... huh!)
now, i'm at klia... just finishing the website's briefing from KPT pagi td... currently tgh burin2 bazirkan masa waiting for my take off at this coming 6pm... aduilaa... lama lagi nehh...
bangets tggu awal huhuhu...
okla pren... gotta to go... nnt sambung lg... nak g fuel up my stomach skets... byes!
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