dear batikchantingsss....never thought that this entry is the awaited one by my fren... den sendiri pon buhsan tgk blog den yg x terapdetss ni... practically, there were so many activities happened during a few weeks back. but me myself just dont have enuff intention to do the writing... ICT family day... futsal ICT vs Ames... my coming schedule for the new semester, dinner at NARA for our Boss's besday ....and of course the hectic week of KUKTEM's MINDS. So atas permintaan ramai (cheewass) laa sket the intross...the long one will probably be entered very soon...
i'll be departing to KL within half an hour from now i guess...jap lg my beloved bak will fetch me here. so it means that i'll not be around during the MINDS preparation which is scheduled to be started tomorrow. tp takpela...ICTians dah ramai... and i know sume ICTians ni accountable and reliable as well, rite guys??? :D
ermm... i think i'll continue my writing once i come back from KL nnt la kots... so all d bess my fren for the MINDS! May d force be wif u.... byessss....
p/s: the attached pic is just to show how honoured...blooming semangkukss i am being chosen as one of the lucky person masa ICT Family day ari tu... tq prof!!
Dear batikchantingss...Fuuh...fernatss kenduri x abis lagi...even me myself takdela involve in so many rewang activities pons...:p ... but as i have a pack schedule for last week, and suddenly my bak asked me to come back early on friday tu, sbb nak bertolak terus ke kemaman... then after arrived the kemaman's town, we directly headed to my Pak Su's house at Binjai... nothing much i can help them, as most of my Mak Su's relatives dah ramai merewangkan diri eversince that morning. lepas dah borak2, help my kazen siapkan the groom's room, solat maghrib sume2 and etc, we go back to overnite at my mak ha's house at Ayer Putih... even kefernatanss mlm tu, i still manage to watch the World Cup (argentina vs serbia) keh...kehss..kehss... :P .... pity serbia, being terribly striked by argentina....
by the way, 18 June is annouced as a father's day celebration. As what happen during previous mother's day ari tu, i did plan to give my parents a treat tp tak tau lg bila... coz one of my bro is not here. so tak best la if one of us is not together with us to celebrate it. tak cukup corum maaa.... what ever it is, i just wanna say that it is such a tremendous miracle feeling to have an understanding dad like my bak. he really tought me a lot. and i really mean it.... A LOT!!... so for bak, i'm so blessed by HIM to have a dad like u. thank you so much for everything... and i really want u to know that i'm gonna love u forever, until the end of my life... "happy father's day bak.... and ana sayang bak forever...".. also happy father's day to all of the father thru out the world....
huh...termengalir air mata la plakss kat entry niss...isk...isk...
p/s: d photo is being "cilok"ed from my bro's fp... hihihi...
dear batikchantingss.... its 5th june 2006, and according to my previous conversation with en. zaihan
last week, tommorow will be the most awaiting day in my life. GOD!...really worried what will be the listed grades in the slip for my prexious semester's exam...riso maaaa... i do hope i manage to maintain the result as well as last semster. kalo dapt "kaler terbang", better!!...:D apapon, a deep pray for HIM, may my coming results will keep inspiring me to do better in the next coming semester. go!!...go suzana!!
by the way, seems like i have to be a very2 strong survivor for next semester. by choosing not to take the YT's offer, i actually risking myself to face the tough and pressure condition. the fussy prerequisite will not give me any merit to ease myself during my studies. so suzana, it's gonna be a harsh and sturdy moment for u to go thru... please dont give up, and prove to yourself, as well as to "him" that u can!!!