throb of awaiting day...
dear batikchantingss.... its 5th june 2006, and according to my previous conversation with en. zaihan
last week, tommorow will be the most awaiting day in my life. GOD!...really worried what will be the listed grades in the slip for my prexious semester's exam...riso maaaa... i do hope i manage to maintain the result as well as last semster. kalo dapt "kaler terbang", better!!...:D apapon, a deep pray for HIM, may my coming results will keep inspiring me to do better in the next coming semester. go!!...go suzana!!
by the way, seems like i have to be a very2 strong survivor for next semester. by choosing not to take the YT's offer, i actually risking myself to face the tough and pressure condition. the fussy prerequisite will not give me any merit to ease myself during my studies. so suzana, it's gonna be a harsh and sturdy moment for u to go thru... please dont give up, and prove to yourself, as well as to "him" that u can!!!
1 comment:
Super color scheme, I like it! Good job. Go on.
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