alahai batikchantingsss...i am now printing those assgmntss which i planned to submit them for this coming class early of October nnt... hmm...tomorrow will be the 7th day of their promise for me to get my beige atos back... really hope i'll get it within this week.. segan jek rasa nak have a ride with my bes fren tuu.... worried IF my ride with him will turns to notorious story..... and more more worried if his wife hurt plak with "those rumours"...who knows rite??.. my beloved bak told me that my beige atos is now already complete and properly fixed in as it should stended laa... since i'm claiming them comprehensively, suddenly everything turns to be so so rigid... itu laa...ini laa... well, probably becos of those proceduress la kot... but never mind... I'm just hoping that it would'nt take any longer .... really miss my beige atos so much!!...:(
my beloved batikchantingss....i'm home at last!!....what a "hustle bustle" journey i've ever faced these 2 dayssss...penat maaa...but anyway, it's was a good experience since this is the 1st time i come to Perlis Indera Kayangan officially...the town is small and compact, sort of Melaka's town view...mix with Penang and a bit of Taiping...(hehehe...sedaaap2ss je aku bayangkanss...:D)... But those towns are of course bigger than Perlis's just a matter of the view... so i actually went to perlis to visit KUKUM' s library and it's ICT Center. there's nothing much for me to share the story of my visit to KUKUM... but overall, i'm a bit discontented becos of not having enuff time to go to some popular places there. the KUKUM's driver did tell us to drive us to the well-known places at perlis (nak shopping ke...nak "ronggengss" ke...) but unfortunately we just cannot take the opportunities as our flight to KL was at 3.15pm.... we've finished the meeting somewhere around 12noon...having our lunch at one of the "Jalan-jalan Cari Makan's" restaurant (nice dish!!)...then the KUKUM's driver directly sent us to Sultan Abdul Halim airpot at about 1 o'clock... i did fall asleep in the new beige KUKUM's waja.... (almaklumlaa...kete baru...heehhe...) then we took off to KLIA at 3.15 pm, transitted for 2 hours there...bla..bla..bla at fragrance shop with Adi :D.... then again took off to Kuantan at 6.20 pm...even this journey did cramped my head quite badly, but i still pray to HIM as i arrived at Sekilau Hills safely, after facing a few times of shiver movement in the flight which probably derived from the cloudy weather...cuak jugakss actually... then, my beloved mama fetched me at 7.10pm at Kuantan my beloved bak having an invitation of majlis tahlil at Sekilau.... head is sort of swirlss and swirlss...and swirlss now... got to have a complete rest tonite...bye batikchantingsss...
i'm a bit sleepy rite now...the level of heaviness of my eyes skrg ni, sort of cannot be handled anymore... so to churn out it back, i really need to do something which will force my eyes to concertrate, and my brain to stimulate... so i guess, jotting something here is one of the best solution for me to boost up my both eyes and brain to work out!!...talking about being sleepy niss... most of us do aware and agree (i guess) that those type of espressos, mochas, cappucinos or lattes can perk up the drowsiness. Betul ke tak, i'm not so sure laa... but it applies to me very much. i know that it's not good for us to keep having this type of drinking since it consist of detrimental caffeine inside it... tapi tu la masalahnye... the luscious fluffy foamy drink really awaken me from getting sleepy...and sleepyzzz.... but as malaysian, nescafe is just nice and able to revive me actually... and i wont forget the taste of neslo 'O' suam at the small stall just beside the Balai Polis (near to UIA, Kuantan)... which served me a very refresh neslo 'O'... even masa tu, i'm still in the fobia and shoking mood lepas exsiden.... hmm...neslo 'O' jugak yg sedapss...:D
dear batikchantingss.... it was a very pity deprived day for me today... as my lovely beige atos has hit a motorcycle (or...should i say the motor hit my atos...isk..isk..) near to my house at Jalan Bukit Sekilau, 6.55 am... it was a very beautiful morning actually... my beloved bak and mama as usual accompanied me near to my car, when i was departing to Gambang... "Ok mama...bak...Ana g dulu...assalamualaikum" ... and i never ever thougt that a few minutes after the cheerful greet to my mama and bak... suddenly the beige atos crashed down a the edge of the Bukit Sekilau's road... the motocyclist is an indian guy with his wife, also on the same way with me heading to Bandar Kuantan. The moment of the sudden and unexpected cross of his motorcycle in front of my beige atos really-really makes me shocking... what can i do at that time is just forcing and moving ahead my steering to the right hand side of the road in order for me to avoid further injured of the motorcyclist... and Alhamdulillah i managed to do so by permitting my pretty beige atos hit the bulky bank of the drain....huwaaa.... and that's the reason why the tyre rim and bumper of right hand side of the atos are also having "injured".... isk..isk...sadiss maa... well... if we have heard a story entitled as "Tragedi Oktober"... but for me... it will be a "Tragedi September"... awal sebulanss...heheeheh... but never mind.. i did really pray for HIM for not having any harm during the occured accident... and i've learned a lot today... in fact there's a fren of mine did ask me to muhasabah myself for my previous doing... which is probably the reason why all of this happened to me... well, perhaps i should think the "probabilities" after this.... :(
dear batikchantingss....firstly, i really2 hope that i might be able to face this hard time patiently and vigorously...i'll be facing the 1st test ever on this coming third seminar on 10th september, which is 7 days left from the day i'm writing this post.... Prof Norma did list all of the chaptersss that will include in the test... what worries me a lot is, i have read and revise nothing lagiss niss... Oh God...then, my beloved dad told me that he and my lovely mama will be going to Terengganu for a few days next week as he's having family's matters to settle there... he did ask me to follow him and MAKE SURE bring along all of my notes to study there...(nak suh terperap and study kat hotel katanye....)...well, frankly speaking, i really2 eager to go there... additionally, dah lama sgt i hav'nt go back to my home town tuss...but then, i dont think it would be a proper time for me to go here and there while i'm currently in the time constraint, rite?... but thinking about it twicely, i consider to go to the Terenganu's state library to find some materials for my term paperss plaks.... what should i do now ekkss??...buntuss..buntuss... never mind. i'll discuss with my beloved dad regarding this matter, coz i know he knows me better....;)
what can i do for my test preparation is just, applying some leaves next week... 5 - 6 chaptersss are a lot of things to be revised maaaa.... and i'm not good and brilliant enuff to revise while doing my job at the office. i really need a complete concerntration .... Dear Almighty, may Ur blessing will always be with me.... insyaAlh...all the besss suzana!!...
p/s: attached here is the eucalyptus flower...since a few of my frenss keep asking me "sue, camne rupa bunga eucalytus tuss?" well...this is how does the flower looks like....not so attractive as roses or orchids or other gorgeous flowers, but still nice and adorable flowerss for me...