dear batikchantingsss... ever heard about reflexology? well, last week i did accompany my fren to go to the reflexology center at kuantan town. pretty scary to see her screaming kesakitan... adehss.. sian pon ada... and i did imagine if i was at her place masa tu...konpem nangis maaa.... as i knew that my own body also have certain health problem. when my fren is being massaged by the reflexologist tu, i did hang around in his center...tengok2 all of the foot map attached to the wall... then i did reflect it to my own body... and i sighed and whispered, "hmm... patut laaa aku sakit kat situ...isk..."
as usual, to find more information regardnig reflexology ni, i go for internet... and from the articles that i browsed just now, most of them state that reflexology is the art, science, and study of specific touch techniques. The concept of reflexology holds that various organs, nerves and glands in your body are connected with certain "reflex areas" on the bottoms of your feet, hands and other areas of the body. Moreover, reflexology claims that by massaging these corresponding areas or "maps," prompt relief from a variety of conditions in the body can be obtained. In most instances the thumb, or sometimes a knuckle (knuckel - a rounded protuberance formed by the bones in a joint.), is used as the massaging force, although some therapists use vibrators or other external forces. When properly administered, reflexology is thought to help relieve stress and tension, stimulate deep relaxation, improve the blood supply, and bring balance to the entire body.
so here i attach a foot map taken from one of the sites that i browsed for my own reference as well as batikchanting readers....
dear batikchantingss... its 12.40am already. i did switch off the light jap tadi, but then my eyes keep blinking in the dark... not sure whats the point of idea that plays around my mind. i think its becos of the drink that i took for my dinner td. tapppi..its just a mug of milo jekss.. nape mata ni keras as i took a mug of hot "kaw-kaw" nescafe ekks??... so finally i woke up back, turn on the notebook and browse...browse and browse... read all of my fren's blog, read all of the memos and the emails as well. now, have a brief discussion with my classmate regarding our group project which should be weekly updated in the forum... adehlaa... luckily i have teamed up with a group which i hope will be a very supportive team member for this challenging group project, insyaAlh...
okla batikchantingss... tommorow i need to go to the office... MC da abis and the pain at my chest pon dah slightly better than 2 days back... so good nite, and sweet dream to all of you out theressssssssszzzz...
ever feeling pain at your chest as it is being stabbed by something sharp?...adehss...thats what i'm feeling ever since last monday. the pain really hurts me and it trails until i'm jotting this entry.... i actually just dunno whats the exact name of the pain that i felt until i met the doctor today. i did meet the doctor yesterday, but he did not give me an mc as he probably thought that my pain ni will not getting serious agaknye... last2, when i woke up this morning, i just cant move my right hand very much... i cannot exhale and inhale my breath normally.... i cannot rush myself cam slalu. uiks!!...pelikss ni... tak penah2 den rasa camni. then i just "sms"ed my frens, telling them that i'll not be able to go to the office today. then again i went and met the doctor, this time i met the doctor yang slalu deal with my illness. he told me that the pain is called "costochondritis"... uish!!..never ever heard the word before this... terkial2 lidah den nak nyebut penyakit tuss... anyway, the doctor did give me two days of mc. sekarang ni pon still sakit, but dah bley overcome sket as i did take my meds about an hour tadi... so naik kat bilik and terus surf the information regarding this "costochondritis" ni... and all of the information was absolutely precise with what i felt at my chest ni... so here are the information for my own reference as well as for the batikchanting's readers...
Costochondritis -- Tietze's Syndrome
From Jonathan Cluett, M.D.,
- Diagnosing costochondritis
What is costochondritis (Tietze's Syndrome)?
Costochondritis is a syndrome of chest wall pain that is due to inflammation of the cartilage and bones in the chest wall. Also called Tietze's Syndrome, costochondritis occurs when there is inflammation at the junction of the rib bone and breastbone (sternum). At this junction, there is cartilage joining these bones. This cartilage can become irritated and inflamed. Depending on the extent of the inflammation, this condition can be quite painful.
What causes costochondritis?
Most commonly the cause of costochondritis is classified as 'idiopathic,' or unknown. This means that there is no identifiable cause for the condition. This does not imply that idiopathic costochondritis is any less painful of a condition than if the cause can be identified. The most frequently affected age group is young adults between 20 and 40 years old. The most common cause of costochondritis that can be attributed to a source is costochondritis as the result of a traumatic injury.
For example, a car accident where the driver's chest strikes the steering wheel can cause costochondritis by injuring the ribs and cartilage on the front of the chest. Viral infections, usually upper respiratory infections, have also been identified as a cause of costochondritis.
What are the symptoms of costochondritis?
The most common symptom is pain over the front of the upper chest (the area of the sternum). haaa...sinilaa yg den raso sakit tu...upper chest, sobolah kanan... Because of serious conditions, most importantly conditions related to heart problems, costochondritis should only be diagnosed after excluding other more serious problems. Costochondritis pain is usually worsened by activity or exercise. One of the most common symptoms is that the pain is present when taking a deep breath. This stretches the inflamed cartilage and can cause exquisite pain. Often simply touching the area involved will be extremely painful for the patient. Because of the many nerves that branch away from the chest, pain may be experienced in the shoulder or arms as well. When called Tietze's Syndrome, the pain is accompanied by redness and or swelling in the areas most tender.
Treatment of costochondritis
There is no definitive treatment that will cure costochondritis, however there are several helpful things to do in order to help manage the symptoms of this problem:
RestIn order to decrease the inflammation, you will have to avoid activities that cause pain and exacerbation of the inflammation. Exercise, deep breathing, and strain on the muscles of the chest
may worsen the symptoms of pain and slow the healing process. As a general rule of thumb, avoid or limit activities that worsen your pain.
Ice Packs or Heating Pads
Whichever of these techniques help to decrease your pain may help you better manage your symptoms. These are just two suggestions that may help you with your symptoms.
hmm... the doctor told me, in my case ni...this pain attack my chest was probably becos i did lift something which was so heavy a few weeks back.... which was correct. so suzana... as you are aging, memacam plak penyakit yang menjengahss... :( ...u probably need to do something after this.. go and do activate ur lifestyle as it is actually prerequisitely needed for everybody in this world...cuma rajin ngan malas jek... *wink!*
dear batikchantingss...i'm currently accessing the net all d way from ayer putih, kemaman... we are just celebrating our aidiladha stakat sini jeks, will not extend it to Terengganu as the raya day falls on Teusday...which is middle of weekdays. my brothers pon tak balik raya as both of them commit with their routine jobs and classes there... so, berayolaa den dongan beloved parents, sepasang makcik pakcik, seorang kazen and seorang anak sepupu, cuty beauty Adriana a.k.a nana.... so this raya is not happening as last eidulfitri... met my kazenss and their children pon kat tepi jalan jek tadiss...all of them rushed back to KL, masing2 got to go to school, my kazen lak keje esoknye... kalo nak cuti panjang, just have to wait for this comin chinese new year laa kotss.. my both bros pon also will having a long holiday for that chinese festive nnt...
neway, my first seminar for this new sem last 3 days ran well. i did meet my feveret lecturer balikss... heheheh... and never thought that he still remember me, the ngosngess student in his class previously.... hahahahh...but i'm glad to again have a class with him. this subject pon den suko, but not sure either i can perform ke takss for his paper. masa degree level doluss2, lain laa citerssnye...siket2, spoon feeding...keh..keh...keh.... ermm... another 2 classes pon, oklaaa... but i'm a bit worried with the database class tu... the lecturer is ok, cuma.... ntohler...maybe my ears was not very good in the class ari tu... awal2 lg dah kantoi tak konsentret dlm kelas... once he asked me, terkial2 aku tak paham... dah la my eyes masa tu was just like kena sepit ngan batu....adehlaa... malu maaa... "err...sorry sir... i just dont understand ur question just now...would u please repeat the question?".... hahahahah... that question was just for the sake of covering my extreem sleepy jekss....
third class lak...dah malam...aduss... sampai ke malam kelas den kali ni...sombab otak den. after finishing the database class, i did take panadolsss. cannot stand with the crash swirl swing swoss swesssss in my head at that time... lepas telan 2 ketul panadol tu, then i'm a bit stable...but
the head started to swirl balik when the lecturer ask us to get the topic masa2 tu gaks.... adeh...adehss... but he's very nice man as well... bait2 percakapan dia tu very clear... i do admire those who can throw out their words in such a precise and exact meaning... jelas, terang, nyata....
ecececee.... tetiba laaa pulak den suke org cenggitu ekks?...kikiikiki....
but overall, i did henjoice my first seminar for this 2nd semester. classmate pon is getting smaller compared to 1st semester... and this time, one of my class ada combine with the seniors... hopefully i'll be able to carry this semester brightly...(buley ke guna term brightly sini..?)
i'll be going back to sekilau this evening gaks...tomorrow den cotiss lg...hehehe... really need to have a complete rest as i'm still a bit tired travelling from KL to kuantan last nite...and today travel lg ke
kemaman...and again will be going back to kuantan... fuuuh... fernatss...fernatss.... dan yg lebey meng"fernatss"kan...those assigmntss pon da start burdening my head gakss...
wokeslaa batikchanting readers... will update u more soon... ni tgh pening2 kesemputan becoz of the smokess from the open burning sebelah umah makcik den berkebuk2 masuk umah ni...suffocated maaa..... so c you soooonss...
dear batikchantingss....huh...pejam celik...pejam celik...the class for the new semester will be started a day after tomorrow... i use to feel unpatient previously just becos the period of holiday seems like cam lama...kununss2 aaa...but eventually, when the beige atos is scheduled to be departed to Shah Alam tomorrow, my heart starts to feel "alaaa....malasnyersss...."...hehehe...rasa cam nak naik kelas baru lepas kelas darjah satu duluss2....the different are, i dont have those new school shoes, new uniform and new school bag anymore laa... but the feeling totap samo...(ye ke samo??)...
my result for last semester pon kira ok jek...and i'm not proud enuff of it as most of my classmate did score better than me...what a very good platform they have...isk..isk...:( ..jeles ni....hmm.. canni takley jadiss... coz next2 coming semesters, for sure the subjects must be tougher...and tougher.... i should score better gak recently...but ntohlaa...anyway, still a zillionth thanked to HIM for His blessing, His Love and the unbelievable strength given to me... also to the remarkable trust and support from my lovely parents and bross.... without His bless and my family support, i dont think i can cope up with all these trials and tribunalss...
so welcome to (my feveret number) 2006!!...may all of my wishes come true this year... so do for all of batikchanting readers!!!.....
dear batikchantingss....i should have a lot of stories to be jotted down here after i came back from my hometown last week....but then, the feeling of laziness to write and "karang mengarang" was just not there as usual.... is it becos the new semester is just around the corner???.... hadehss...
anyway...nothing much to say here for my previous beautiful termendous holiday.... just a piece of picture which i think can give an unforgetful memories......
Terengganu 22-25 Dec 2005...