The members of undergron d 2nd were:
imans and family
husna and family
k.ina and double families
and of course myself....
k.ina was having her fast breaking with her family together with her parents and siblings. Since our booking was under different booker, so our reserved table pon jauh2… huhuhu.. nun terperosok di lobby IKIP. But somehow, the food were good… and we managed to rembat everything starting from 630pm :D … worried dah abes if we come and refill the plate after 1st round session… huhuhu
Tawun depan leh wat lg keje2 undergron niss.... so Selamat Hari Raya to everybody who read this entry. safe driving & journey to those who will make a move to kampung masing2 within this week (definitely)... beringat2 masa makan kuih2 and all those food during syawal nnt... nnt jgn lupa bawak sume segala kuih raya ke hopis for our coming raya potluck!! ;)
p/s: pic is not so sharp as our reserved table bercahayakan suam2 kuku lampu jeks... huhu
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