Wednesday, May 28, 2008

my bday shouldn’t be this sad huhuhu...

dear batikchantingss... my hubby was not well on my bday huhu :( and I really care about him very2 much. but it was a very2 tough bday ever for me thru out this life.... or I can say - my bday shouldn’t be this sad huhuhu... as early as 820am, the A ******** thing started to happened which really makes my heart burning. panasnya hati Allah saja tau... but its ok, I still try to serene myself, always calm to face that A ******** thing. Then again at 830am, 930am, 10am and it keeps repeating until 7pm, the B ******** thing happened which extremely challenge myself. But I still keep myself be patient because I know HE knows better in everything. 1230pm - another C ******** thing happened, 430pm - another D ******** thing happened. Ya Allah besanya dugaan that I have to face on that day... which I really hope it will be the sweetest day for me this year....

Last nite, my beloved Bak gave a beautiful tazkirah and thoughts for me when I came to him and telling him my hardness day. He advised me to take it easy and it is not worth at all for me to take all the A B C D ******** things seriously. Of cos I’m damn hurt for those ******** thing but yet it is still not worth to put too much heart felt on those matters. My Bak told me that inside Al-Quran (Al-Baqarah : 286) Almighty quotes 'La yukallifullahu nafsan illa wus'aha' which means 'Allah will not burden someone unless it suits with their capability'...

Thus I think and believe that I should be strong to face these entire things in the next coming future. I may not be the worst person to face this hardship. Life is full with pain and throbs... and I pray HE will always give me guts to face all this hardship... and more one thing, I’m sure that everybody will ONLY learn something when they themselves stay in my shoe on last 26 May 2008... thank u for my frens WHO really consider my situation for the last 2 days...

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